Blue Water Baltimore

Summer 2015 Grants

Chesapeake Bay Program


Baltimore, MD

to continue legal and legislative advocacy and targeted community organizing efforts in Baltimore to address the root problems and chronic sources of sewage, stormwater and trash/litter pollution.

Spring 2015 Grants

Chesapeake Bay Program


Baltimore, MD

Interim grant for funding to support a critical communications  campaign to defend existing state wide stormwater funding mandates, local stormwater programs, and other coalition priorities including defending the environmental budget, and reducing plastic pollution.

Summer 2014 Grants

Chesapeake Bay Program


Baltimore, MD

For legal and legislative advocacy work to reduce storm water pollution, as well as strategic communications and grassroots organizing efforts.

Summer 2013 Grants

Chesapeake Bay Program


Baltimore, MD

For the “Baltimore TMDL Advocacy and Engagement” project.  Blue Water Baltimore will support work to strengthen regulatory compliance processes that directly impact the Watershed Implementation Plan (e.g., Baltimore City’s stormwater permit, agreement to stop raw sewage from entering waterways, and a trash clean up plan for the Baltimore Harbor).

Summer 2012 Grants

Chesapeake Bay Program


Baltimore, MD

project support to ensure that Baltimore’s renewed storm water permit is as strong as possible and enforceable.

Summer 2011 Grants

Strengthening the Environmental Movement


Baltimore, MD

to deepen advocacy involvement in the development of strong and enforceable Phase II Watershed Implementation Plans (WIPs) and their role in the establishment of the Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL).