Maryland League of Conservation Voters Education Fund

Summer 2018 Grants

Sustainability Program


Annapolis, MD

Support for work to strengthen the political power and effectiveness of Maryland’s environmental community.

Special Fall 2017 Grants

Sustainability Program


Annapolis, MD

Project support for work to leverage public attention and engagement during Maryland’s 2018 statewide elections in order to advance environmental  protections.

Summer 2017 Grants

Spring 2017 Grants

Climate Program


Annapolis, MD

Interim grant to support efforts to increase Latino participation for the People’s Climate March and Beyond.

Summer 2016 Grants

Chesapeake Bay Program


Annapolis, MD

Second installment of two year grant – $100,000 to be used for general support, and $25,000 to be used for the Rising American Electorate project.

Summer 2015 Grants

Chesapeake Bay Program


Annapolis, MD

two year ($125,000/year) general support grant for work to strengthen the power and influence of Maryland’s environmental community, its policy advocacy work to advance clean water initiatives and Latino outreach and communications and project support for its Rising American Electorate civic engagement initiative to increase voter participation among Latinos, African Americans, and younger voters.

Summer 2014 Grants

Chesapeake Bay Program


Annapolis, MD

To expand the power and influence of Maryland’s environmental community through strategic communications, organizing, coalition building, and legislative advocacy.

Chesapeake Bay Program


Annapolis, MD

Interim grant to enable Citizens Campaign for the Environment to conduct a planning process to set the environmental community up for success in 2015 and the ensuing four years. MDLCV will act as fiscal sponsor.

Summer 2013 Grants

Chesapeake Bay Program


Annapolis, MD

$80,000 towards general support and $25,000 for the “Expanding Constituencies for Maryland Environmental Work” survey and focus group project.  The Maryland League of Conservation Voters will continue to improve environmental policy and expand environmental protections in Maryland.  They will also conduct research to better understand the environmental concerns and attitudes of Maryland’s African American and Latino communities.

Special Fall 2012 Grants

Chesapeake Bay Program


Annapolis, MD

General support bridge grant to move MD LCV back to the summer cycle.

Summer 2012 Grants

Chesapeake Bay Program


Annapolis, MD

for critical capacity support during their executive director transition.

Summer 2011 Grants

Strengthening the Environmental Movement


Annapolis, MD

for general support work for our efforts to increase the power of Maryland’s environmental movement, increase its capacity, and strengthen our core program that reaches out in nonpartisan ways to citizens across Maryland.

Summer 2010 Grants

Strengthening the Environmental Movement


Annapolis, MD

general support to increase the power of Maryland’s environmental movement.

Summer 2009 Grants

Preserving Our Natural Heritage: Mid Atlantic Land Estuaries and Coastal Bays


Annapolis, MD
General support for work to increase the power of Maryland’s environmental movement and protect water quality in the Chester River.

Final installment of three year, $225,000 grant